Lily | Loose Stem Bouquet


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Add a touch of elegance to your interiors with our stunningly realistic Lily loose stem bouquet. Consisting of 2x Casablanca Lily bud stems, 2x pink Lily Asiatic stems and 2x white Lily Asiatic stems, the petals are real touch and look just like the real thing. Minus the pollen! Stem heights range from 69-87cm. Easily bend or cut the stems to suit your vase. Please note, this is a loose stem bouquet, a vase is not included.

If you would like the stems cut to fit your vase, please provide your vase measuremtns (height and width) at checkout and we will cut the stems for you.

Being artificial our stems are easy to care for. Keep out of direct sunlight for long lasting beauty.

These stems are also available as single stems in our stem range, if you would prefer different quanities.

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